In order to attract attention, it is important to engage with opinion leaders and win them over. This is exactly where brand relations comes in and ensures direct communication with influencers and multipliers.

Authentic advertising with organic brand relations

Brand relations is a key success factor when it comes to placing a brand, a product or a company on target group-relevant platforms. The basis for this is the development of sustainable relationships with bloggers. Because as a result of good and long-term relationship management, a brand is rewarded with authentic recommendations from bloggers. This is achieved not least through a positive image transfer from the bloggers to the brand. Since the majority of potential customers inform themselves online before making a purchase, continuous reporting by independent bloggers about the brand and its products ensures a long-term competitive advantage.

Bloggers – the digital opinion leaders!

Content marketing strategies can also be implemented as part of brand relations. This is because the expert status of the blogger is essential for successful implementation. Successful bloggers can be seen as opinion leaders of the 21st century and their publications have a great deal of appeal. Both in terms of content and quantity.


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Our services

  • Conceptualization
  • Content creation
  • Blog selection
  • Blogger address
  • Contact for bloggers
  • Reporting

Your advantages

  • authentic advertising
  • Natural multiplication
  • Brand strengthening
  • Image cultivation
  • Little wastage
  • Measurability

Organic brand relations with helps you to understand and define the basic approach and relationship building with bloggers. Sustainability and cooperation on an equal footing are essential components of successful collaboration. Together with you and your company, we build up a lasting relationship of trust with bloggers and advise you on conception and implementation.


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