We offer comprehensive consulting and programming for the following interfaces in WordPress, among others.

Feel free to contact us with your individual interface requirements.

References and examples for the interface integration of:

Personio interface integration

Softgarden interface integration

OpenImmo interface integration (ImmobilienScout24, Immobilien Manager, Immonet, Immowelt, FlowFact, OnOffice, Estate Office and many more)

Salesforce interface integration

OXOMI interface integration

SSO login for WordPress

XLS import for WordPress | Import for complex data tables

What is WordPress interface programming?

Interface programming with WordPress refers to the development of individual software solutions and plugins that enable communication and data exchange between different systems, applications or devices. An interface defines the methods and protocols with which several systems can communicate with each other and exchange information.

For this purpose, individual solutions for the exchange of information are developed on the basis of predefined APIs. This can take place in various contexts, such as the integration of software components into a CMS, communication between client-server systems, APIs, plugins or the connection of database systems to software applications such as CRM systems or online stores.

As a rule, the understanding and application of specific interface specifications or protocols, such as APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) or web services, is necessary for programming on interfaces. The APIs used for development provide a range of methods and data structures for use. Developers must familiarize themselves with the APIs used in order to access the functions and data of a system that provides an API.

Interface programming allows different systems to communicate with each other and exchange information, regardless of which languages, platforms or technologies they use. It enables the integration of software components and the development of expandable and modular applications.


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