One day – all topics! Well-structured and clearly explained, with numerous practical examples and showcases.

In our 1-day online marketing seminar, we teach you the most important online marketing topics: Search engine optimization, search engine marketing with Google Ads, newsletters and e-mail marketing, usability, affiliate marketing, Web 2.0 and social media marketing. Online PR measures and social media marketing support and expand social media strategies.

Online Marketing Seminar


The advantages of online marketing are obvious. And yet many companies are still not adequately exploiting the potential of the Internet as a marketing tool. In times of tight marketing budgets, there are numerous growth reserves here in particular.

A large number of different instruments have now become established in online marketing: search engine optimization (SEO), keyword advertising (SEM), affiliate marketing and partner programs, newsletters and e-mail marketing are just as much a part of this as website usability, Web 2.0 applications and social media services (SMS).

The aim of the seminar is to provide secure and practice-oriented navigation through the increasingly complex network of different online tools.

The online marketing seminar is suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. It is aimed at all decision-makers and employees who deal with the topics of online relations, public relations, PR, marketing and sales. The speaker at the workshop is Simon Boé, Managing Director of onehundreddigital GmbH. He is an experienced trainer and consultant on all aspects of online marketing and social media marketing.

In our 1-day online marketing seminar, Mr. Boé will teach you the most important online marketing topics. The focus is on the following topics
Search engine optimization, search engine marketing with Google Adwords, usability, affiliate marketing, Web 2.0 and social media marketing.


Time frame: One day – start of seminar 09:30, end approx. 17:30 incl. Coffee and lunch break.

Contents and seminar focus:

1. search engine optimization (SEO)

  • Optimization of the placement in the search engine ranking
  • Consideration of the web crawler’s approach
  • Keywords, meta tags and page structure
  • Measures to optimize the website and the environment


2. keyword advertising (SEM)

  • Google AdWords
  • Generation of keywords and topic-related term combinations
  • Development of meaningful and effective advertising copy
  • Design and implementation of a landing page
  • Setting up a user account and campaign
  • Regional and national customer approach
  • Optimization of click-through rate (CTR) and quality factor
  • Success factors and optimization of the campaign


3. affiliate marketing and partner programs

  • Sounding out suitable partner programs
  • Overview of networks and service providers
  • Selection of target group-relevant advertising spaces
  • Optimization of billing models (PPC, PPL, PPS and mixed forms)
  • Conception and design of advertising materials and forms
  • Campaign reporting and controlling


4. web 2.0 – online marketing, newsletter and email marketing

  • Wikis, communities, chats, forums
  • Conception, planning and realization of a weekly newsletter
  • CRM and permission marketing
  • Gain subscribers
  • Overcoming spam filters
  • Quality check

5. social media marketing

  • Social media objectives and strategies
  • Customer acquisition
  • Building and maintaining a positive brand image (reputation management)
  • Increase in brand awareness
  • Pull strategies in B2C
  • Blog Marketing
  • “Viral” media
  • Communities – building a community, blog or forum
  • Optimization of content (social media optimization)
  • Improving the findability of content on a website
  • Expert Circle – Building up experts
  • Gathering information and knowledge
  • Latest news – Publication of current, relevant news
  • Online expertise
  • Events – direct contact with the community
  • RSS feed, podcasts, web and video blogs, social bookmarks
  • Web 2.0 viral marketing
  • Mobile marketing and networking
  • Website usability


Any questions? – your online marketing agency in Berlin – will be happy to answer your questions!


The GmbH

100% digital, our name lives up to its promise! We have been developing and supporting successful online marketing strategies in Berlin, Germany and internationally for more than fifteen years. In addition to the digital world, Berlin Kreuzberg is our home. We develop individual and modern concepts for our customers on a daily basis in order to make optimum use of the unlimited possibilities of the Internet in a performance-oriented manner. And that’s not all: our team also puts our ideas and visions into practice. We create complete digital concepts from a single source!

Whether an overall concept or individual sub-disciplines – develops innovative solutions individually according to your wishes. Just ask us! You can see our services for yourself here.

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