What is Google Ad Grants?

Put the donation turbo on with free Google Ad Grants and let the world know what moves you and what you stand up for.

Can you imagine what you could do with 10,000 dollars a month in AdWords? This is the amount that Google provides free of charge to non-profit organizations per month.

Google Ad Grants Logo

How can we help you generate more donations and awareness?

onehundred.digital takes over the application, creation and optimization of the Google Ad Grants campaign and manages the (free, donated by Google) media budget of 10,000 dollars per month.

onehundred.digital takes over the management of Google AdWords campaigns. The Google AdWords account is revised and optimized. In addition, onehundred.digital develops new ad campaigns and a keyword list with relevant keywords is created and regularly optimized. The ads are optimized through A/B testing to achieve optimal conversion.

The aim of the Google Ad Grants campaign is to increase attention and awareness and to address both regular donors and future new donors online.

We advise and support you at all stages: from application and set-up to execution and implementation. In addition, onehundred.digital advises you on further strategic measures to exploit the potential of online donors in the long term.

Also read our 10 tips for better Google Ad Grants campaigns – read on …!

Google Ad Grants Agency onehundred.digital Berlin

Let us take the first steps today, we will advise you without obligation:

We will check with you whether your non-profit organization meets the eligibility requirements for Google Ad Grants. This includes the location of your non-profit organization and the availability of Google Ad Grants in your country.

We will help you to overcome the administrative and technical hurdles, submit the applications if required and open your Google Non-Profits account. And off we go!

We create individual campaigns and ad groups for you and select the “best performers” from your keyword set to create conversion-optimized Google Ad Grants campaigns. The engagement funnel is permanently activated, thus ensuring awareness of your donation performance.

Once everything has been initiated, the Google Ad Grants account opened, campaigns created and ads written, we submit the account to Google for review and have it activated. From now on, you will receive 10,000 dollars in media budget from Google for your Google Ad Grants campaign every month for free!

Google Ad Grants Agency Berlin onehundred.digital

The Grantspro program: maximize your chances of increasing your budget with onehundred.digital

If you have participated in the Ad Grants program and consistently reach your spending limit, you can apply for an increase in your monthly Ad Grants budget from $10,000 USD up to $40,000 USD through Grantspro. In addition to reaching the spending limit, there are further quality requirements for inclusion in the Grantspro program.

Are you looking for a Google Ad Grants agency in Berlin? Then get in touch with us today!

We will be happy to advise you without obligation.

Contact us now!

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