How to convince your target group with online marketing content!

To inspire potential customers, again and again, you need valuable and unique content, And do you know who also likes and rewards good content? Search engines like Google!

As everywhere in life, marketing is also about content. Good content marketing is indispensable for a balanced marketing strategy. Because where content is missing, information is missing, and without information, no emotions can persuade your target group to buy. But how do you get buyers to your site? Read here how our work as a content marketing agency works and what we look out for when working with you as a client.

What is content marketing?

A content marketing strategy is focused on publishing good and relevant content in order to appeal to a specific target group and persuade them to buy.
The continuous publication of content creates an image of the brand among buyers. If a buyer is attracted to an image, they will consume further content that strengthens the image. When making a purchase decision, the buyer will opt for the brand whose image he knows and with which he also sympathizes.

Really good and useful content marketing …

… increases sales

… saves costs

… leads to better and more loyal customers

How do I create good content marketing?

There are various ways to use content to strengthen the image of our buyers. It is important to consider whether each marketing measure fits the brand’s public image. In addition, no content should be published just for the sake of publishing or for advertising. The aim is to provide users with useful information that they can use. For example, if a company launches a food processor, it is the simplest and most sensible thing to do. Content Marketing, to publish a cookbook with dishes that can be cooked with the food processor. Another example would be if a company sells a sustainable product and also publishes an interactive website where you can see all the information about how the product is made. In this case, the interactive website would be really good content marketing that explains the sustainability of the shoe.

Why should I choose a content marketing agency instead of an advertising agency?

It’s like always in life: a balanced marketing mix makes all the difference. However, here are some reasons why, as a company, you should also take a content marketing agency on board:

  • Hardly anyone likes to watch classic advertising voluntarily.
  • Ad blockers increasingly suppress Internet advertising.
  • Advertisements are hardly perceived.
  • Good advertising costs a lot of money.
  • Paid advertisements are not sustainable.

Content marketing differs from traditional advertising. The focus is not primarily on advertising intentions, but on the information and entertainment content for the readers.

Content marketing tries to translate claims made by the brand into action.

Our services

  • Conception
  • Target definition
  • Target group analysis
  • Theme palnning
  • (SEO) – Content creation
  • Cross-media content distribution
  • Success control

Your advantages

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Arousing interest in your product
  • An alternative to classic advertising
  • Customer loyalty
  • Backlinks
  • More relevant website traffic
  • Virality

Arrange a consultation now!

Content marketing campaigns – how it works with the content marketing agency in Berlin!

Content can be published via various channels or social media. In content marketing, one channel works better than the other, depending on the topic. It can even make sense to conduct content marketing on different channels. Here, too, it is important not to always do things the same way, but to break new ground.’s favorite content marketing channels:

The content marketing blog from Berlin with

A content marketing blog can easily be integrated into a website. You can often find them under the menu items “News” or just “Blog”. The content marketing blog on your website is your very own creative playground. Here you can publish all the content that you no longer have space for on the other pages, but you should still maintain a certain structure. It is important for the readers of your blog that the topics fit together as much as possible and, ideally, are published continuously.

Content marketing meets SEO – better rankings through content

The content marketing blog has another advantage thanks to its regular publications: it has a positive effect on
search engine optimization
of your website. As soon as the content is provided with keywords, is read with pleasure and for a long time and appears in the search engine results, it improves the ranking of your website. Good and useful information that people like to read will not only make your customers happy, but also you yourself, as your company will be found more quickly on Google.

Email marketing from, your content marketing agency in Berlin

Email marketing
can also be called content marketing. It is the bridge between the website and the e-mail address and thus the target group. A well-structured and planned newsletter can not only provide customers with all the latest information from the company, but also draw their attention to special discount promotions. Newsletters with a certain added value are particularly popular. If we return to the example of the food processor that is to be sold, this would be a newsletter with the recipe of the month that can be made with the food processor.

How-to video in content marketing with

It is not without reason that YouTube has grown to become one of the largest internet platforms and social media in the world. Videos on demand give users completely new ways of accessing information. Content marketing can also be consumed via videos. Regardless of whether a product is published in a how-to video by an influencer or presented in a professional company explainer video. Videos make it easier to save a lot of text and instead present the content in a short, visual form for the target group.

Blogcast and podcast from your content marketing agency in Berlin

When we wrote about new channels, we probably meant these. Everyone has heard of the podcast, but the blogcast has not yet arrived everywhere. While a podcast is two people talking about a topic, a blogcast is simply a voice-over of your blog posts with a narrator. This not only allows you to adapt your content marketing blog to the current times, in which texts are better heard than spoken, but also makes your information easily available via another channel without much effort.

Content marketing via headphones

But the podcast also works as a content marketing strategy. For example, if a podcast is about tech topics and one of the podcasters is a developer at a tech company, which tech devices are listeners more excited about? The ones you might already have an idea about because you listen to the developer’s weekly podcast, or the ones you only know about from posters?

Through the podcast and the blogcast, companies simply have the opportunity to show even more of their personality without having to invest a lot of money in a huge marketing campaign.




When the user is pleased – Google is pleased!

The largest search engine in the world – Google – has always pursued the goal of providing searchers with the most suitable results for their inquiries. Therefore, the logical conclusion follows that websites with high-quality content achieve higher visibility and better rankings by Google. Searched Content Optimization (SCO), therefore, kills two birds with one stone:

Because good content not only makes users happy but also Google and other search engines.

When creating content, as a content marketing agency from Berlin, we make sure that …

… Selected Topics are relevant to your target group.

… The texts are SEO-optimized for better visibility.

… The content is exciting, so the session length increases. – Your content marketing agency from Berlin

So it’s not that difficult to create content marketing. The difficulty is rather in structuring and preparing the content well. We are at your disposal as Content marketing agency from Berlin with our know-how. We help you find the channels or social media platforms that suit your company and take care of planning, organizing and creating the content in consultation with you. Arrange a personal consultation with one of our marketing consultants today and your company will have its own content marketing strategy in just a few weeks.


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