Online marketing from the heart of Berlin.

Benefit from our knowledge and know-how!

Companies without an online presence are truly rare, but companies whose elaborately designed websites cannot be found online are all the more common. The competition for successful search engine rankings is getting tougher every year, and finding the right online strategy is becoming increasingly difficult. The days of “hands-on” self-made websites and online marketing campaigns based on the motto “I-know-someone-who-does-that” are long gone. Instead, far too much money is often spent for too little result.

Online marketing belongs in the hands of experts. User behavior has changed significantly as a result of smartphones and social media and continues to change as a result of technological progress. Have you ever thought about whether your company or your products can also be found via a voice assistant search? And did you know that only around one percent of German Internet users even click on the second page of Google search results?

In-depth knowledge of the online competition, long-term strategic planning and a professional online marketing strategy are the key to sustainable success. We would be happy to advise and support you. After a thorough analysis, we design a customized marketing mix for your company and your products.

onehundred digital – 100% passion for digital

From advertising to Google and SEO to YouTube: We offer you the online marketing tools that are right for you, whether for your website, your online store or your social media channels. Full service guarantee – we are specialists in the planning, implementation and evaluation of your online marketing strategies and campaigns.

The magic word for being displayed on page 1 of search engine results is SEO – Search Engine Optimization. These three letters are the key to gaining visibility and thus generating more traffic to your website.

We achieve this increase in visibility through targeted on-page optimization in the technical and content areas of your website, for example by integrating search terms (keywords) relevant to your site and up-to-date content. This ensures that your website is displayed at the top of the search results.

As an SEO agency , offers you the complete package for successful SEO marketing. From individual SEO consulting and SEO strategy to monthly SEO support – with our team of qualified marketing consultants for search engine optimization, you can achieve short-term success and a good ranking in the long term.

Find out more about search engine optimization with – your online marketing agency Berlin!

With the right programming to your desired website!

Your own homepage is almost as important as the architecture of your office building. Because everyone who searches for your company via a search engine visits your website.

Whether it’s about a product or about your company itself: Your own website must say exactly what you want it to say. Furthermore, it must meet the standards so that your customers enjoy spending time on your website. But it also needs to have the right content so that every service can be found quickly.

To achieve all these qualifications, we as your online marketing agency create the right website with the right content to suit your company.


Find out more about website programming with – online marketing from the heart of Berlin!

Do you want to be found quickly on Google? Then SEA – Search Engine Advertising – is the right choice. The Google Ads advertising program (formerly Google AdWords) displays paid advertisements (ads) alongside non-paid search results. The good thing about this is that you only pay when a user clicks on your Ads ad and is therefore taken directly to your website.

As an experienced Google Ads agency, helps you to optimize your advertising in Google search. We get the most out of your media budget by regularly analyzing and measuring the conversion of your ads. With the help of SEA, you can reach your potential customers on Google exactly when they are looking for offers like yours. With locally to internationally targeted campaigns, you can reach your customers exactly where they are.

Find out more about search engine advertising with – your online marketing agency Berlin!

Social media marketing

Just having a website online is no longer enough. In order to address a wide range of target groups where they frequently spend time, companies should focus primarily on social media channels. In addition to displaying relevant content, you can respond directly to feedback from potential customers. Anyone who neglects Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and the like in their marketing strategy is missing out on important opportunities to interact with their target group and the chance to strengthen their own corporate identity in line with the times. is a specialist in social media marketing and community management

Our marketing team not only develops suitable social media strategies for you, but also looks after your community professionally and with the necessary know-how. You can rely on our years of experience on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Expand your presence on social networks now and get in touch with your followers in real time. Use lifestyle marketing on Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok with your online store.

Find out more about social media marketing with – your online marketing agency Berlin!

Do you want to inform or entertain your target group, establish yourself as an expert on a specific topic or promote your products as a solution to specific problems of your customers? Then rely on content marketing. The focus here is solely on the content and the benefits for the reader, while the advertising aspect is reduced to a minimum. Use relevant and exciting content as a customer magnet for your company. establishes authentic contact with your target group through well-founded and creative content. Our marketing team creates content on frequently searched keywords that are of interest to potential customers for typical search queries.

Find out more about content marketing with – your online marketing agency Berlin!

Would you like to launch a campaign via various digital channels and need professionals in online media planning? Someone who is familiar with the latest tools and methods? Then ask us. Thanks to our many years of online expertise, we take over the planning, budget allocation and management of your digital campaigns and keep an overview for you. In contrast to offline marketing, we can plan your success precisely with the help of predictable key figures and thus use your advertising budget as efficiently and effectively as possible! identifies the perfect advertising environment for you and places your messages exactly where they will be seen by users – directly with your target group.

Find out more about online media planning with – your online marketing agency Berlin!

Would you like to acquire new customers and retain existing customers for your brand? Then e-mail or newsletter marketing makes sense. Inform about news, special offers or special services without detours and thus increase your conversion. In contrast to other online marketing measures, newsletters are a comparatively inexpensive and quick alternative to keep your customers coming back to you. not only develops modern newsletter strategies, but also produces the corresponding content for you. Our services also include sending and evaluating newsletter campaigns. This is how we achieve maximum success for you!

Find out more about email marketing with – your online marketing agency Berlin!

Place advertising where your target group likes to spend time online and achieve quick and demonstrable success? That’s no problem with affiliate marketing. The principle is very simple: website operators provide free advertising space that can be booked by third parties.

Thanks to years of practical experience, can draw on a large network of affiliate partners. Our team selects the right platforms for you and places your advertising there. Regular monitoring of the affiliate programs also ensures that your advertising placements are constantly optimized.

Find out more about affiliate marketing with – your online marketing agency Berlin!

You can find an overview of our entire range of services as an experienced full-service online marketing agency here:
Discover our full range of services!

What are the goals of online marketing?

The aim of marketing via digital channels is always to draw users’ attention to the respective customer’s online presence, whether on the website or social networks. But online campaigns also have other positive effects:

  • Brand awareness is increased
  • Low(er) wastage thanks to precise targeting
  • Building long-term loyalty to the target group
  • Increasing visibility on the web through search engine optimization
  • Website visitors become customers
  • Creative online marketing creates distance to competitors
  • Successes are measurable and transparent

Why should you make your online marketing agency? has a wealth of experience gained through years of practice. We are a dedicated agency that develops individual and innovative solutions for each of our clients, making the most efficient use of available resources. Whether you are a small start-up or an established company, our online marketing consulting is always tailor-made, industry-specific and comes from the heart of Berlin.

As online marketing experts, we are at your side and work with you to develop strategic goals and the desired online visibility. In order to maximize potential and guarantee successful online marketing, does not offer one-dimensional campaigns, but always the ideal mix of measures for your needs.

As a reputable online marketing agency, we always ensure that our work is transparent so that all steps are comprehensible for you as a customer throughout the entire collaboration and you always have an overview of the successes achieved with your budget.

Would you like to be one step ahead of your competitors with your website? – your online marketing agency in Berlin is looking forward to hearing from you!

What makes us special is our unique mix of classic and contemporary Internet marketing. We always think outside the box and try out the unconventional. Our online marketing managers in Berlin always have their finger on the pulse of the times, keeping up to date with the latest news and specialist knowledge from the industry. As an online marketing agency, we are passionate about following new trends, yet remain sustainable and forward-looking in our day-to-day work.

By thinking analytically, enjoying our work and paying attention to detail, our online marketing consultants get the maximum optimization out of existing customer budgets.

Our formula for success: Professionalism + creativity + perseverance + responsibility = quality, your online marketing agency in Berlin, is looking forward to working with you.

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