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Social SEO – efficiently combining the online interfaces of social media and SEO | With Pocast #7

Both search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing have been an integral part of successful companies’ strategies for years. Sometimes entire teams are employed just for these sub-areas of marketing. However, if you want to stand out even more from the crowd with your online measures, analyze the correlations between these two measures. The trend towards “social SEO”, which combines the interfaces of search engine optimization and social media, has also developed in recent years.

The following article will give you valuable tips on how you can reach your target group with a well thought-out online marketing strategy and combine SEO and social media profitably

Social SEO definition: What is social SEO?

Social SEO describes the application of search engine optimization (SEO) measures in social media to expand your own reach. Social signals are the main factor in how search engines perceive general visibility on social media platforms and thus increase rankings. Social signals are feedback from users in social media, including:

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Saves
  • General visibility

A sustainable strategy in your social media marketing will increase your

re social signals, which can also have a positive impact on your search engine rankings. We will explain exactly how you can do this in the next sections.

Display of social media on smartphone

How does your company benefit from social SEO?

There is no clear answer as to how social signals affect your Google rankings. The fact is that by regularly producing high-quality content, you can expand your professional brand and increase your website traffic in a targeted manner.

If you implement social SEO strategically and optimized for the respective platform, your company will benefit from the following advantages:

  • Growing visibility with your target group
  • Greater range
  • Expansion of brand awareness
  • Better placement of services and offers
  • Direct exchange with your own target group
  • Increasing conversion rate
  • More page views
  • Effective employee recruitment
  • Link building through the sharing of content
  • Ranking of the social media profile or content in the search results
  • Recognize trends and interests through interaction with posts

How do you use the interaction of social media and SEO effectively?

Start making your company profile visible on social media like your website. You should therefore treat your social channels like your website: keep them up to date and provide them with high-quality content on a regular basis. So share company-relevant news, job advertisements or new blog posts and podcast episodes on social media. By sharing your content, you not only receive organic links. In addition, you increase the chances of link building by having other site operators share your website content. This also increases the trustworthiness and authority of your online presence.

Unlike your website, your social media presence also offers the opportunity to provide further insights into your everyday company life – more spontaneously than on your website. By regularly sharing your content, you are constantly expanding your brand and thus also the perception of your target group. The biggest lever here? By including a link to your website or a call-to-action to a specific landing page in every post, you automatically increase traffic to your website.

Presentation of the interaction between social media and SEO

Create a cycle from your website and social media content

Link your social media channels visually on your website using plug-ins in the form of buttons. In this way, you can also expand your social signals: Make it easier for your users to share or like your website content on social networks by using buttons or call-to-actions.

This approach creates a cycle between your website and your social media channels, which leads to the promotion of reciprocal traffic. You can thus influence the behavior of your website visitors and increase both your traffic and your Google rankings.

Social media advertising – an integral part of your social SEO strategy

If you want to use the full range of social SEO effectively, there is no way around placing social ads. Your increasing organic traffic already gives you valuable insights into the geographical data of your target group. You can use this data profitably to place advertisements for LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

You can also track the actions of your website visitors by implementing the Facebook pixel and reach the right people through retargeting campaigns. In this way, you can use your free organic traffic for low-cost retargeting measures for a target group that has already shown interest in you by visiting your website and can be classified as a warm lead.

Positive ranking development through SEO

Can social signals be counted as an SEO ranking factor?

Without question, social signals are factors that have an influence on the ranking of your content. However, as with many other Google ranking factors, it is not possible to clearly determine how strong this factor really is. However, such social signals are probably not a direct ranking factor. Google itself also says that its crawlers are not able to read the many Facebook pages and capture social signals such as likes and shares.

Nevertheless, social signals and social SEO are influential measures to direct your traffic from your social network to your website in a targeted and profitable way and vice versa. Since both the traffic and the visitor behavior of a website are relevant ranking factors, Google will rate your site accordingly. This increases your chances of ranking higher in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs ) with your content.

Any questions?

onehundred.digital – your online marketing agency in Berlin – will be happy to answer your questions about social media marketing or search engine optimization!

Contact us now or take a look at our SEO offers at a glance!

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100% digital, our name lives up to its promise! We have been developing and supporting successful online marketing strategies in Berlin, Germany and internationally for more than fifteen years. In addition to the digital world, Berlin Kreuzberg is our home. We develop individual and modern concepts for our customers on a daily basis in order to make optimum use of the unlimited possibilities of the Internet in a performance-oriented manner. And that’s not all: our team also puts our ideas and visions into practice. We create complete digital concepts from a single source!

Whether an overall concept or individual sub-disciplines – onehundred.digital develops innovative solutions individually according to your wishes. Just ask us! You can see our services for yourself here.