Do you have a good web presence or application? However, visitors do not stay long and the desired conversions and successes are not achieved?

User experience design ensures a positive customer experience through a holistic view of the user. If there are few conversions on your website and high bounce rates, then it is worth taking a closer look at the user behavior of your own users.

With the help of a usability test, we uncover how potential customers really perceive your website and move around on it. In this way, weaknesses in user-friendliness can be identified, analyzed and evaluated.

Whether you have an existing website or a completely new project – a usability test can give you direct insights into your target group. Various tools make it possible to obtain real feedback from potential customers.

UX design and usability optimization | onehundreddigitalThis valuable information contributes significantly to the success of an optimization.

UX design and usability:

  • User (experience) journey mapping
  • Design Thinking
  • Human-Centered Design
  • Cross-media storytelling

How do we test?

  • Google Analytics
  • Target group surveys
  • Target group monitoring
  • Personas development
  • Eye tracking (eye movement detection)
  • Heat map (tracking of mouse movements, clicks, keystrokes)
  • Recording “Thinking aloud”
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